English Corner


December 10th - Human Rights day

images[1] On December 10th the five- yearly United Nations Prize in the field of Human Rights and the Nobel Peace Prize are awarded.

«Rights» are things that every child should have or be able to do. All children have the same rights. These rights are listed in the United Nations (UN) Convention on the rights. All the rights are connected to each other and all are equally important. As you grow, you have more responsibility to make choices and exercise your rights.

All children have these rights no matter who they are, where they live, what their parents do, what language they speak, what their religion is, whether they are a boy or a girl, what their culture is, whether they have a disability, whether they are rich or poor. No child should be treated unfairly on any basis. Everyone under 18 has these rights.

Below are some articles we consider the most important.

Article 3

All adults should do what is best for you. When adults make decisions, they should think how their decisions affect children.

Article 4

The government has a responsibility to make sure your rights are protected. They must help your family to protect your rights and create an environment where you can grow and reach your potential.

Article 8

You have the right to an identity ? an official record of who you are. No one should take this away from you.

Article 27

You have the right to food, clothing,  a safe place to live and have your basic needs met.

Article 28

ou have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can.

Article 29

Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.

Article 31images[7]

You have the right to play and rest.

Article 32

You have the right to be protected from work that harms you, and is bad for your health and your education. If you work you have the right to be safe and paid fairly.

Article 35

No one is allowed to kidnap you or sell you.

Article 38

You have the right to protection and freedom from war. Children under 15 cannot be forced to go into the army or take part in a war.

For all articles stated above there are international organizations like UNICEF whose work is to ensure children are protected with their rights.

Πηγές: www.un.org/en/evenrs/humanrightsday/

www.Un Convention on the rights of the Child in Child Friendly Language

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Καρατζά Κωνσταντίνα (Α΄β), Κορακιανίτη Ελένη (Α΄β), Τριανταφύλλου Ιφιγένεια (Α΄β) και Τριανταφύλλου Νίκη (Α΄δ)